RoboCup JapanOpen 2024 Rescue Simulation League Results

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Agent Simulation

Final vernon algiers graz christchurch otsu vila_nova_de_gaia novosibirsk vc Total Rank
Score Points Score Points Score Points Score Points Score Points Score Points Score Points Score Points Score Points
AIT-Rescue 46.25 8 95.19 8 13.76 8 35.96 8 40.45 8 28.53 8 76.23 8 8.15 8 344.52 64 1
AIT-Rescue_B 37.19 7 73.90 7 8.21 4 30.66 7 18.38 4 16.70 5 69.41 7 5.33 5 259.77 46 2
Ri-one 28.21 5 73.90 7 8.21 4 25.54 5 9.54 1 16.70 5 63.71 5 5.33 5 231.13 37 4
TK24 30.17 6 73.90 7 8.58 5 26.37 6 9.87 2 16.70 5 64.08 6 5.39 6 235.06 43 3
Preliminary2 RC23_bordeaux2 RC23_eindhoven2 RC23_kobe2 RC23_mexico2 RC23_vc2 RC23_paris1 Total Rank
Score Points Score Points Score Points Score Points Score Points Score Points Score Points
AIT-Rescue 6.30 7 18.93 8 54.62 8 24.49 8 64.44 8 232.26 8 401.03 47 1
AIT-Rescue_B 6.30 7 18.40 7 46.79 5 13.26 4 40.08 5 165.16 6 290.00 34 3
Ri-one 6.30 7 18.40 7 47.21 6 13.26 4 39.17 4 164.97 5 289.31 33 4
TK24 6.40 8 18.40 7 51.65 7 13.85 5 41.13 6 177.54 7 308.98 40 2
Preliminary1 RC23_berlin1 RC23_kobe1 RC23_mexico1 RC23_ny1 RC23_sakae1 RC23_vc1 Total Rank
Score Points Score Points Score Points Score Points Score Points Score Points Score Points
AIT-Rescue 93.10 8 67.25 8 62.00 8 78.91 8 144.66 8 31.99 8 477.90 48 1
AIT-Rescue_B 56.80 5 34.04 5 34.54 5 75.78 7 144.41 7 29.88 6 375.44 35 3
Ri-one 54.57 4 33.99 4 31.93 4 75.78 7 144.41 7 29.88 6 370.56 32 4
TK24 59.22 6 50.14 6 40.48 6 75.78 7 144.41 7 31.64 7 401.67 39 2